- Publisher: Viking
- Available in: Hardcover, Paperback
- Published: September 22, 1988
This illuminating account of the Iran-contra affair by the two senators from Maine is based on testimony taken during the hearings, the findings of the Tower Commission and the authors’ observations and reactions as members of the Select Committee. The testimony of Richard Secord, Robert MacFarlane, Oliver North, John Poindexter, Albert Hakim, Elliott Abrams, George Shultz, Fawn Hall and others is placed firmly in context by the authors, who are outspoken in their comments (“Oliver North melodramatically boasted that he would take a spear in the chest for Ronald Reagan, even as he carefully steered the spear into John Poindexter’s chest”). The question of the president’s knowledge of the “initiative,” as well as the extent of Vice-President Bush’s involvement, is as thoroughly explored as perhaps it can be currently. Cohen and Mitchell believe it likely that President Reagan will grant full pardons to those under investigation or indictment “for their activities in carrying out his goals.” A clear exposition of the chronology, probable motivations and the broader implications of Iran-contra, this is a book many Americans have been waiting for.
– Publishers Weekly
New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/books/97/06/29/reviews/9585.html
Los Angles Times: http://articles.latimes.com/1988-09-04/books/bk-2357_1_inside-story